Monday, October 31, 2016

Day 15/30

Since always I've been interested in observing people. When I meet people I am curious to know what their story is. When a person says "I like to read", I am more interested in knowing why they like to read, what they like to read, and why they read what they read. You know what I mean? So basically I'm fascinated by stories. That's also why I'm fascinated by Movies. When I watch a movie, I attach myself to the characters and I feel like I'm living his/her life through the movie. I love watching movies because I get to experience different stories/different lives of people. Also, I feel that, in a way, I get to know more about the director or the writer of the film. When a director is making a movie, most often than not he/she has something related to his/her own personal life in the story .. and that's what seems very intriguing to me. I'm glad such people exist, I'm glad movies exist, so people can tell their stories and inspire others through this form of art. I hope people keep making amazing movies and continue to share their awesomeness. =) 

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