Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Day 17/30

You fall, you get up, you fall, you get up, you fall, you learn, you do better than you did before. The best lessons are learnt from failures and mistakes. You also learn to empathize with others, you learn to not be judgmental with others, you grow.. It's really a blessing in the long run. So, any time in your life, you're going through a bad phase, or failures, just know that it's making you better. It'll be hard, of course, but that's what's making you better and stronger, and eventually you WILL succeed. Success is basically getting back up after failing. Keeping at it! I'm definitely grateful for all of my failures and glad that I made the mistakes I've made in my 26 years. They've made me a better and stronger person. So, thanks thanks thanks to all of my experiences of failures and mistakes! Here's to failing some more and making a few more mistakes in life, but also learning from the same. :)

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